MAPAL is in the process of certifying an Integrated Management System, complying with the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14.001, OHSAS 18001 standards, referring to Quality, Environment, and Occupational Safety and Health. In the framework of the Integrated Management System, a series of administrative, operational, and technical procedures have been developed, with the aim of standardizing the activities that the company carries out, ensuring the quality of the works, customer satisfaction and the development of a process of continuous improvement. The company’s integrated policy reflects essential guidelines such as:

• Satisfaction of the needs and expectations of our clients.
• Application of prevention and continuous improvement techniques in relation to the health of workers.
• Sustainable approach to our management, in pursuit of environmental care.
• Continuous training of personnel. The Integrated Management System certification ensures that our work is done with high levels of Quality.


MAPAL S.A. defines quality from a strategic vision based on the positive social and environmental impact generated in the environment where it operates and develops its works and services.
We consider it essential to establish relationships with regional suppliers and workers as well as strengthening the relationship and cooperation of all our suppliers and workers who have accompanied us from the beginning, thus achieving great development of broad human capital and being able to provide our customers and society value-added products.